Sappi, AR Packaging Group and other PrintCity partners have developed a joint packaging project called “Meteor”, which enjoyed great success at Packaging Inspiration Forum.

The pack, designed for a generic chocolate products, is largely based on SBS Algro Design® cartonboard made by Sappi: a white pure cellulose which ensures high quality printing and adequate rigidity even at reduced thicknesses.

Central core of the project is  a printing machine capable of performing all the necessary operations in line – in this case a Gallus ICS 670  that has been specifically configured, capable of ensuring a high quality printing even on short runs. The Gallus ICS 670 has seven “easy value add” platforms with speedy process changes, five flexo modules, modules  for hot and cold stamping, cutting unit in line, inline embossing and punching stations, inline scrap removal stations and offload bar.

Cold holographic foil was used on Meteor featuring two different types of hot foil, two pigmented coatings, UV coating and a soft tactile dispersion material, together with various finishing work with embossing, die-cutting and grooving in a single online operation.