The prepress service under the Nuova Roveco Group celebrates 50 years and opens a branch dedicated to packaging design. It was at Converflex with a new configuration offering an example of first-rate engraving.

Digital Flex (flexo photopolymer systems) opens FuturFlexo: a graphic studio dedicated to packaging design, configured as an independent concern, part of the Nuova Roveco Group and located in the same Monza HQ. With this important new feature and with the demonstration of the Flexo HD Pus technology used for creating its flat dot hi-def plates, the company celebrates its fiftieth anniversary at Converflex, backed up by an extensive experience as market leader and with the renewed verve of its new projects.
«With FuturFlexo we offer our customers a new service – Andrea Vergnano, partner and Senior Executive Vice President in Digital Flex explains – and we offer ourselves as a sole supplier, capable of following through the manufacture of packaging right from its first conception.

The new company though operates independently and hence can also work for customers who only turn to our group for the creative part».
Hence now Nuova Roveco Group has two operative branches, with the flagship Digital Flex concentrated in the production of systems and FuturFLexo dedicated to the creation and design of packaging, and conceived as a tool for international penetration: «We can already count foreign firms among our customers – Vergnano explains – and now we have given ourselves the objective of increasing our presence beyond Italy’s borders».

At the fair with Flexo HD Plus
Digital Flex, has always had the policy of investing in leading edge technology and is capable of anticipating market needs. It recently enriched its machine yard with a second Nyloflex* NExT FV Flint Group Flexographic Products display, operating alongside that bought two years ago and three Esko CDI HD units. With these and with the organisation of work on two shifts, that company is capable of tackling large orders and work peaks that have increased over the latter months. «Update technology in production has enabled us to reduce personnel in the last phases of  the process and, at the same time, to insert new young staff in preprint, that stands as the heart of our company», the company states.

At Converflex the company will demonstrate its performance giving a live demo of the FLexo HD Plus: the branded proprietor technology, that can boast high quality features. Andrea Vergnano lists the same:«total color and tonal perfection of the images, clarity of logos and readability of working, managing of hues with greater scaling to obtain a broader color range, exception ink transfer in full bases and screens, a better control of dot gain due to not having to increase the pressure, print constancy during all the print runs».