The study – conducted by The Forest Trust (TFT) and Ata Marie – confirms the long-term viability of the commitment made by Asia Pulp and Paper is to create products generated exclusively from plantations, without resorting to deforestation.

In practice, they have sufficient resources in their plantations to meet demand for wood pulp of existing production facilities and the future OKI mill (southern Sumatra). The announcement was made at the time of the update of APP’s Forest Conservation Policy, 18 months after the start of the program.
According to The Forest Trust, APP and its suppliers can then reach the goal of supplying 100% from plantations, despite a slight deficit of raw material predicted for the year 2020.
For her part, the APP Sustainability Managing Director Aida Greenbury has confirmed that the “Forest Conservation Policy” plays a central role in the economic model of the group which works, so as to ensure a solid foundation for profitability without any negative impact on the forests of Indonesia or elsewhere internationally. The methodology and findings of the report will be analysed by the Rainforest Alliance.

Updates The announcement came in conjunction with the launch of the update report 18 months on from the implementation of the Forest Conservation Policy. APP has introduced an effective moratorium on felling of wild forest areas, while measurements of their carbon balance and the state of biodiversity are currently underway. The results of all these evaluations (High Conservation Value or HCV; Alto High Storage of Carbon HCS, state of peatlands; social context) are now in the process of compiled in order to produce the so-called ISFMPs or Integrated Sustainable Forest Management Plans, that operate using a gradual approach.

The report also provides an update on the commitment of APP to support the protection and restoration of a million hectares of forest in Indonesia, announced in April 2014. Since then, the company has engaged in the planning of activities with a variety of stakeholders involved, including NGOs and public institutions. Part these activities include the initial mapping of the ten areas chosen for environmental protection activities, that has already been completed.
The mapping work has also helped bring to light opportunities for protection, special hazards and the presence of stakeholders with land rights in each of the territories.