There was none other than the Italian Ambassador to India, Daniele Mancini, to cut the ribbon at the new plant of Rossini SpA in Pune.

With him, of course, the Rossini family out in full, along with the authorities, friends and a large group of Italian and Indian customers – printers and system builders from all over the world, present at the ceremony on 23rd September.
The known multinational that produces print rollers thus respects the program which included the commissioning of the plant in this part of the year. Its machinery – they stress with legitimate pride in the company – is the most modern and advanced to be found for this type of work. The facilities have indeed been realized to the specific design of the Rescaldina based company and are part of its knowhow.

Pune is the fourth largest industrial city in India and is located in the state of Maharashtra, about 150 km southeast of Mumbai. This is where the site of Rossini Printing Rollers India Pvt. is located. An Ltd., that occupies 4,000 covered square meters over a total area of 10 thousand square meters and initially intended for the production of rubber rollers and sleeves for the flexible packaging industry. Its production capacity is estimated to be about 60 sleeves or rolls per day.

Managing director Marco Caccia, who moved to Pune with his family in order to follow the organization and management of work close to, is assisted by a local staff of about fifty employees.
Pune is the seventh Rossini SpA works after the two Italian ones and those in the USA, Spain, Brazil and Rumania.