Market considerations and digital printing solutions for packaging by Hewlett Packard, which leads the market with state of the art solutions.

«Many new contacts and lively interest in our digital printing solutions at our stand immediately vindicated our decision not to show machines, but rather to focus on representing the quality of HP Indigo solutions with a spectacular and impactful multimedia show, with videos and interactive interviews projected on the large video wall, just like at Interpack and Emballage». The remark was made at the end of Converflex by Enrico Montreverdi, Digital Press Market Development Printing & Personal Systems at Hewlett Packard Italiana Srl. HP’s participation at the Italian converting fair thus yielded the results hoped for, supporting the multinational’s image as a supplier of digital printing solutions for labels, flexible packaging and folding containers and consolidating its relationship with a market «that is undergoing radical and exciting changes», as described by Antonio Maiorano, HP Indigo & IHPS Italy Country Business Manager.

«In fact, digital technologies generally, and digital printing in particular, are bringing new technological and economic paradigms because they enable doing things differently than in the past. All operators – be they printers or technology suppliers – are therefore effectively re-orienting to meet the new requirements for quality, speed, waste reduction, substrate versatility and compatibility with the entire production chain, with lowered print volumes and technology investments scaled to actual need, in order to print packaging only as needed. The new generation of digital printers in HP Indigo’s portfolio responds to these trends while at the same time guaranteeing a level of quality capable of satisfying even the most demanding brands. Moreover, HP is a globally recognized brand from many standpoints, a concern that has proven its ability (and willingness) to invest in order to grow in the markets it has decided to do business in: what better guarantee is there of continuity and solidity?».

Under the sign of integration. Taking the constant development of the existing machines for granted, for the packaging of the coming future HP imagines an ever greater technological complimentariness «because – as Maiorano adds –  digital printing certainly cannot replace traditional production tout court. Though it manages to do two important things. Firstly, it offer brands new and powerful tools for creating and integrating creative campaigns targeting specific markets or specific groups of people, with labels, sleeves, flexible packaging and folding cases capable of involving the consumer a lot more than in the past. On top of that it enables the inclusion of touch points that use different media, such as social media and mobile apps. Secondly, it ensures converters production flexibility and greater profit margins for packaging converters in particular». Coming developments? Many, including new integrations with Indigo Electroink and inkjet printing. But then…that’s another story.