Heliostar S, a modular rotogravure printer by Windmöller & Hölscher, is making waves in the Italian market, which has traditionally been dominated by local manufacturers.

One of the most important packaging printers to recently invest in this technology is Cartotecnica SpA, which acquired an 11-color in line system with lamination. «Decisive for us in this decision was the automatic feed and ink cleaning system Turboclean», explains Francesco Meneghetti, president of the Veneto-based concern. «Given the countless different packaging types and solutions which we produce, format and color changeovers are very frequent. It is therefore clear that managing printing units automatically and according to a pre-set program represents an advantage both economic, because residual ink is minimized, and environmental, since less solvents are consumed».
Service is another important strong point of this system. «In my view – Meneghetti continues – the Heliostar S currently represents the most technologically advanced rotogravure printer for flexible packaging on the market. But that’s not it’s only outstanding feature: paired with the technical competency of Emilio Alliegro, Technical Sales Manager of W&H’s Italian subsidiary, and of Markus Bauschulte, Technical Director of W&H in Germany, this solution guarantees a “complete package” of functionality and performance which we couldn’t do without».

Cartotecnica Veneta SpA (San Pietro in Gu, PD) produces materials for flexible packaging, primarily for the food and confectionery sectors. In 2013, the concern’s volume of business reached 47 million euro, with approximately 125 employees.