A beneficial alternative to traditional solvents and a reliable partner on a global scale, both for ink manufacturers and printers. This is how Oxea presents its Propyls brand product and itself to the market, focusing the spotlight on the trends that drive demand in the third millennium. A millennium in which the rules of the game change and the industry must adapt, reducing costs and also adopting sustainable solutions in terms of the environment, and safe for human health.
Oxea’s Propyls solvent meets all these needs. “Propyls – explains Patrick Neumann, Area Sales Manager Oxea GmbH – is the term we use for the group of products based on n-propanol or n-propyl acetate, or mixtures of the two (similarly to Ethyls for conventional solvents based on ethyl or acetate or a mix of the two). Designed primarily to reduce the environmental impact, compared to traditional solvents it reduces the emission of VOC by an average 30% without losing effectiveness.

Thus they improve the carbon footprint of the printing industry and, at the same time, safeguard the health of staff». But there is more: this high standard of product quality and healthiness is matched by a significant saving on the cost of inks, estimated at around -20% of consumption.