Less than two weeks to go to It’s Tissue 2018, which will be held from 25 to 29 June in Lucca, Bologna, Lecco and Reggio Emilia. An event during which the testimonies of technological innovation will feature for their breadth and depth, spanning the entire value chain of the tissue industry.

Key issues emerge as the 12 companies that make up the Tissue Italy network – namely A.Celli, Elettric80, Fabio Perini, Futura, Gambini, MTC, Omet, PCMC, Pulsar, Recard, TMC and Toscotec – reveal what the participants at the event can expect from their visit to the heart of the Italian tissue industry. The discussion will be on as to how the digital revolution, combined with a strong energy saving and a maximization of production, is defining today’s smart  factory. The subject of flexibility will also be addressed, as technology now allows a new level of response to customer demands in terms of quality and optimal solutions. The focus will also on service, with particular attention to new customer assistance strategies.

Marco Dell’Osso, executive vice president of Tissue Italy, stated: «For a global audience, this is a unique opportunity to grasp the technology that powers the most advanced solutions in the tissue industry. It is an opportunity to understand the constituent elements of the most advanced integrated factory and to confront the future of the sector. All this while enjoying an unparalleled networking experience».

Read HERE the preview on products and technologies, which we have published in Converting.