Having completed the fine-tuning of the Ultraled technology, the Inci-Flex R&D department went back to work to further improve specific quality aspects with Ultraled 2: greater density in the solids and even brighter highlights, with tonal transitions that are always perfect, absolute absence of defects of any kind perceivable on the print, with lines per cm increasing to 60/70 lines. The study has brought back into play the photopolymers that can be used, with variable hardnesses and high ink transfer capacities, new microcells in the construction of the screen and a pattern specifically dedicated to the printing of white color, which has made it possible to achieve perfect ink spreads, with opacity values greater than 75%.

In the application of Ultraled 2 technology, various aspects must be considered regarding the processing of the executives by the printers, with the aim of maintaining the high standard for hundreds of thousands of meters. This requires precise fine-tuning of the collaboration between Inci-Flex’s graphics department and the converter, in order to define in detail the choices that will guarantee high “return” yields for the entire print run: inks with high pigment concentrations, the dampeners to be used, containment of the printing press speed – which must not exceed 250 m/minute to prevent the transferred dot from deforming – and perfect operation of the doctor blade chambers.

“Faithful to its tradition – declare the company – Inci-Flex is already planning new projects and new standards. Quality is the only philosophy followed by the CEO, Enzo Consalvo, and it is what fuels every new challenge.”