The environmental, social and governance policy of the Graphic Arts supply chain in the framework of #greendeal was presented on February 11, during a webinar entitled “#GREENDEAL as an opportunity for sustainability and circularity of  Federazione Carta e Grafica companies”.

The event, opened and moderated by the Director of the Federation Andrea Briganti, saw the major themes of sustainable development at the center of a discussion between experts.  In addition to Project Manager Elisabetta Bottazzoli, who presented the Sustainability Project launched by the Federation and who we interview in this article on the subject, the following spoke at the conference:

– Valeria Fazio, Senior Manager BDO Italy, Sustainable Innovation Division, who illustrated the new European context in terms of regulation and decarbonization goals;

– Mara Cossu, researcher in charge of the sustainable development sector of the Ministry of Environment, who indicated the main lines of the national sustainable development strategy and the commitments necessary to achieve the SDGs;

– Arianna Lovera, Senior Programme Officer of the Sustainable Finance Forum, who presented to companies the financial instruments already available on the market for corporate sustainability, highlighting the importance of Environment, Social and Governance – ESG criteria.

“The Italian paper and graphics industry, with a turnover of 25 billion euros (1.4% Italian GDP) and about 200,000 direct employees, is a “national champion” that has the requirements to be fully part of the green revolution and the digital strategy of the #recoveryplan,” said Girolamo Marchi, President of the Federation, at the opening of the conference. He added: “The supply chain is working to make the strategies of the European Commission on climate neutrality by 2050 achievable and concrete, and to facilitate the pursuit of most of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, as defined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda […] By participating in the development of laws and regulations consistent with these premises from a technical and economic point of view, we will support the accreditation of the entire supply chain with the administrations and financial institutions, in order to encourage investment in sustainability and circular economy”.