Printpack Alger 2020 successfully closed yesterday (9-11 March), where Inci-Flex, Omet, S2 Converting, Tecnorulli and Uteco, under the aegis of the “collective” organized by Acimga together with ITA, promoted the excellences of Made in Italy in the large Maghreb market gateway also to sub-Saharan Africa. The international exhibition of printing and packaging technologies, organized every two years by Messe Düsseldorf at the same time as Plast Alger, was inaugurated in the presence of the Italian ambassador, witness to the importance of a market that has established itself as the first importer of technology for packaging in Africa and the Middle East, with over 246 million euros in investments.

Also alongside our companies Converting Magazine, to give value to those who were there and a voice to those who were not there, and to testify that the crisis generated by the Covid-19 emergency has not stopped the country and its businesses.