The newborn Rotogravure Group, founded in Acimga last February to promote one of the excellences of Made in Italy (the rotogravure printing machinery industry and its suppliers) started with a run and reaches a first important milestone. These are the guidelines: “Rotogravure knowing it is appreciating it”, already drawn up and in the process of being published, to make known the advantages of this technology, its print quality and the applications in which it can excel.

The Group’s objectives are ambitious. Constituted by representatives of 24 companies (at the moment we are writing, Ndr) in the sector belonging to Acimga (Italian Graphics, Paper and Converting Industries Machine Manufacturers’ Association), it aims to promote this technology to graphic designers and brand owners; create courses to train staff with the necessary skills; to set up a technical table on national and European regulations that impact on gravure; discuss innovations and create an annual event that involves all operators in the supply chain.