Their relationship has become increasingly tight-knit, culminating, just months after Goebel Schneid-und Wickelsysteme GmbH (Goebel) became a part of the IMS Deltamatic Group, with the official announcement of Goebel’s merger with IMS.

The group, based in Calcinate (BG) thus announces the birth of Goebel IMS, which fuses the best of the technology and experience of the German and Italian slitter rewinder manufacturers.
Andreas Hollman, CEO of Goebel, had this to say about the decision: «Since Goebel became part of IMS Deltamatic Group in 2013, we have engaged in numerous exchanges with our Italian colleagues and have managed to form a tight-knit group. Now what belongs together, will also grow together, and we are looking forward to the next step in our company history. It is thanks to this merger that we can combine our international sales channels and provide an improved service to our customers with an enlarged product portfolio, laying the foundations for future growth».

Goebel IMS offers a wide range of machinery for converting paper and cardboard, plastic film, aluminium, cigarette paper, materials for aseptic packaging and other special materials. The concern operates through three production sites, in Italy, Germany and the United States, and employs about 300. The newly formed concern is headed by Raffaele Ghilardi and Daniele Vaglietti, president and CEO of IMS Deltamatic Group, respectively, along with Andreas Hollman.

Grazie alla fusione, possiamo unire le reti internazionali di vendita e migliorare il servizio ai clienti con un portfolio di prodotti ampliato, gettando le basi per un ulteriore sviluppo».
Goebel IMS offre un ampio spettro di macchine per la trasformazione di carta e cartone, film plastico e di alluminio, carta per sigarette, materiali per il confezionamento in asettico e altri materiali speciali. Opera con tre siti produttivi, in Italia, Germania e Stati Uniti e impiega circa 300 addetti. La nuova realtà è guidata da Raffaele Ghilardi e Daniele Vaglietti, rispettivamente presidente e CEO di IMS Deltamatic Group, e Andreas Hollmann.