Servizio Informatica presents Optimus Etichette: a specific management software for label manufacturers, which allows them to run all kinds of processes – quotations, orders, production, requirements… – speaking the language and reflecting the production logic of the sector.

Optimus Etichette is the result of the verticalisation work carried out by Servizio Informatica Srl on the Optimus Dash management software, a leading international product and a technological reference point for printing companies. The in-depth knowledge of the specific production flows of the label sector and the high level of training of the Bologna-based company’s staff have allowed it to develop a product that is now adopted by more than 70 Italian label manufacturers, many of which have also been able to access Industry 4.0 benefits.

Strengths and Benefits

Optimus Etichette is a complete software that meets all the needs of the label industry and reflects its production logic. Simple and quick to start up, thanks to very precise parameterisation mechanisms, it allows the interconnection of machines via shared protocols and integration with any management system and ERP, ensuring a rapid return on investment. Another feature is the modularity that allows companies of any size and organisational structure to arrive at the optimal use of all functionalities through programmed steps, accompanying growth gradually and without waste. Servizio Informatica ensures continuous support throughout Italy.

A simple, complete and rational flow

Production data can be entered into the job order in the most suitable way for the user, either manually or automatically using specifications. For each job, Optimus Etichette works out the time and raw material requirements and estimates the cost value. The transition to the production phase is immediate and clearly organised to visualise, monitor and manage activities, consumption and criticalities, as well as keeping track of the status of trials and the delivery schedule. By querying each order it is also possible to obtain, at any time, a direct comparison with what was budgeted, both in terms of quantity and economic value.

Servizio Informatica Srl (San Giorgio di Piano, BO, – is a partner of Sistemi SpA

Managing complexity, just in time and zero error

The collaboration between Umbra Label and Servizio Informatica has enabled the Bologna-based software house to develop a management system calibrated to the real processes of labeling and the Perugia-based label manufacturer to achieve previously unimaginable efficiency, quality and service goals. Interview with Marcello Berioli.In the beginning, it was Excel: a sheet, increasingly large and vulnerable, where several people entered data (and errors) without generating statistics or awareness. At Umbra Label (150 million labels/year and an infinite number of batches, even very small ones), the need to computerise processes arose from here, to overcome the limitations of a ‘handmade’ tool to control flows, track orders and minimise errors. But the introduction of Optimus Etichette and constant collaboration with Servizio Informatica have produced much greater results.

Dr Berioli, why have you adopted Optimus Etichette?

To manage quotations by eliminating all subjectivity in price generation; to make information and costs on each product available to everyone, in real time; to allow the sales team to make transparent offers to customers, with accurate prices and immediately. The further step has been the control of final balances and deviations from estimates; then the management of the warehouse, the availability of materials and the valorisation of stored goods. Finally, we aimed at the integration of all processes, including prepress, invoicing, accounting.

What results have you achieved?

Many, and not only on the estimates: automating the final balances makes it possible to control the overall management and profitability of each job (customer, machine, operator, etc.), and to provide all operators with powerful and easy-to-use IT tools, as well as an overview of the processes. Not to mention the benefits of Optimus Etichette’s dialogue with the invoicing management system, and above all, its integration in preprinting with the ESKO workflow: it means having the most important technical data already loaded into the software, available in the system for all subsequent processing stages or any reprints. For each job, a ‘recipe’ is generated that can be replicated by anyone indefinitely and with ‘zero error’.

What advantages do you appreciate the most?

This management system evolves to handle the infinite variables and complexities of printing fine labels, with dozens of different jobs per day; it imposes discipline in the company; it dialogues with other systems. And then Servizio Informatica is always available to address critical issues and new challenges that emerge over time.

What are you focusing on today to progress further?

On enhancing and simplifying small runs, also by purchasing a new digital printing machine. And then to further refine management control and, in a 4.0 perspective, to make the machines communicate with the IT system to generate stories and statistics, to increase the awareness of flows, consumption and problems, and the skills of the printers. An important game is played in the prepress area: refining mounting, printing profiles according to the machine used, thicknesses, screens, and automatically managing overprints… this is where quality is created!

With the new management softwareSfinge has doubled

With the implementation of Optimus Etichette, the San Marino labelling company has simplified and accelerated its various functions, allowing it to handle a lot more work, with a leap forward in turnover. Riccardo Riccardi tells us why.On the flexo machine they handles large batches, while on digital they handles small runs, averaging between 500 and 10,000 pieces for local customers, and large brand orders split into dozens of variants. The work of San Marino-based Sfinge (16 employees and an annual output of over 100 million labels) is growing driven by the universal need for distinctiveness and – owner Riccardo Riccardi, now assisted by his son Michele, considers – also thanks to the new Optimus Etichette management system.

Dr Riccardi, in what way did Optimus Etichette support the development of Sfinge?

Servizio Informatica’s management system has standardised, speeded up and eliminated delays and errors in all major processing steps, allowing us to acquire a large number of new orders that we would not have been able to handle before.

At what stages of the work?

First of all the preparation and management of orders: quotation, confirmation, order, transmission of the order to the pre-press office and then to production, and finally to the administration and billing office. Before, we did everything by hand or with inadequate management systems…

When did you install Optimus Labels?

In 2021 and we also appreciate its modularity. This software fits our development and Servizio Informatica shows an extraordinary willingness to follow us in every aspect.

What has been the most noticeable change in the way you work?

Before, only one or two people in the company knew how to make an estimate, now it is within the reach of many. Then, having that data at their disposal, the prepress operators prepare the PDF for cliché with all the necessary information and send the customer the complete digital proof for the validation. But that’s not all: we now have an instant knowledge of the materials needed for each product, we know if they need to be ordered and if we have interesting alternatives in stock. Re-orders are very fast and we can offer better customer service.

Has production also changed?

Yes. Nowadays, the machine operators input the start and end times of each job from the on-board PC, monitor the progress of the work in real time, track the consumption of materials and allow us to tell each customer at any time what stage his order is at.

And what plans do you have now?

We want to automate new aspects of production and further increase output. Last August we bought a new finishing line, this April another Indigo 6K arrived and now we would like to invest in a new screen-printing and finishing line. Our target is premium labels for wine, cosmetics and higher value-added applications. In addition to finishing we offer a customised graphic design and assistance with HP software, new sustainable materials and special inks.