For those unfamiliar with it, InkWeigh is an ink management solution that enables quick and accurate weighing of the color recipe and any corrections through a direct link to the formulation software database.

But…What’s new in InkWeigh 5.0?

New features of the latest release, launched during the last Print4All, include the Leftover and Traceability modules.

The former enables proper management of machine returns, tracking returned inks and making them available for formulating new recipes. Returns can be used in place of new inks, reducing recipe cost, remainder quantities and storage space. The new technology, combines mathematical calculation of returns with the colorimetric method, allowing the inclusion of already stocked leftovers through spectral measurement. As for the Traceability option, it manages the loading of incoming materials, specifying production batches-a key function for traceability rules in the pharmaceutical and food sectors. Used in conjunction with the Leftover module, it allows infinite traceability, even when returns are grouped together or loaded within a batching system.

InkWeigh 5.0’s traceability is total and also includes glues, paints, etc… The benefits are significant: ink inventory is reduced, organized and tracked, and inventory is simple and just a click away.

To find out more, frame the QR-CODE in the center of the image or click here.