Appointment on 10 and 11 June 2021 with the new edition of an event with a high innovative and technological connotation.

Print4All Conference – Future Factory in 2020 launched a new approach in the planning and organisation of international events in such a complicated scenario for all industries. Acimga’s forward thinking paid off, and was rewarded with over 1300 virtual participants, which gave the association the strength to keep working on the path towards the Print4All exhibition in 2022, building new opportunities and creating important moments of discussion on the key Future Factory themes, sustainability, and industry 4.0, through international partnerships.

Even more so, this new year brings important transformations. A transformation in business models from a product-centric perspective to a human-centric perspective, in which service is the main fundamental component. A product is never sold on its own, but always combined with a high level of customization, based on the needs of each different subject. This mindset of human centrality spreads throughout the production chain: from factory employees to the means of production, to the satisfaction of the end consumer, who takes with him not a simple product, but above all a dedicated service with added value. Communication is also key, putting a more human idea at the centre, with the enhancement of interpersonal exchanges.

These are the assumptions from which the new Future Factory 2021 edition was born: an event designed to have a high innovative and technological connotation, but in which humanism will incorporate the core of all communication and the main touchpoints: with Future Factory, the future is at human service.

Future Factory 2021 will take place on 10 and 11 June

An immersive, engaging, interactive and impacting experience, with phigital spaces designed to meet and expand the network of each participant and at the same time reach a wide international audience. The event is in line with all the previous editions since 2015 during Expo but takes a step further to be even more engaging and appealing.

“We are in a transition phase in which the world is suspended, and our industrial sector needs concrete guidelines to act with confidence – explains Andrea Briganti General Manager of Acimga and Federazione Carta e Grafica -. The changing context, in the international post-Covid scenarios, moves along four main directives: business organization, industrial production, socio-economic context, and legislation. Acimga aims to portray a tangible future through the voice and experience of important international speakers, acting as spokes figure for the demands of whole the supply chain, especially regarding the major topics at issue, sustainability, industry 4.0, but also servitisation and human resources; topics that are vertical within the sector, and at the same time embrace a different and broader economic approach. This is the reason why, in our next Future Factory edition in June 2021 we will deliver both a broad vision and focus on concrete industrial insights which can be a tool for all participants.”

Future Factory is organized by Acimga with the support of ITA – Italian Trade Agency of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; the event takes place every year and acts as a tow and bridge in the roadmap towards Print4all, scheduled on 3-6 May 2022. During the second part of 2021 the roadmap will continue with the Future Factory Roadshows, international stops to create dialogue opportunities between Italian companies and the international markets.

Acimga is the association inside Confindustria representing all printing, packaging, and converting technologies, uniting 84 companies for an industrial sector worth about 3 billion in turnover, 60% of which from exports. Italy is in the top 3 manufacturers for these machines globally (along with Germany and China) with its strengths being mechanical technologies, combined with the latest electronic technologies.