Flexible, fast, with high print quality on all media (even on transparent plastic film). The Durst Tau 330 disembarks in the UK.

Label Makers (Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK) have installed the first Tau 330 UV inkjet in the UK. The new digital label printing system, developed by Durst’s label printing division (sole agent for Italy Lirmaprint), was the subject of a recent press conference at the British labeling works, which presented it to reporters in a live demo.
Company Managing Director David Webster summarized its strongpoints: «The Durst Tau aboveall struck us for its Speed: 48 m/min with a web width of 33 cm, even on long runs.
Secondly, the version we have chosen is a 6 colors plus white (Durst also supplies the inks, Ed.), which expands the color range covering 94% of the Pantone range.
But, importantly, it ensures excellent printing results even on transparent media – a requirement essential for us – thanks to the use of a very opaque white ink».

Versatile. Also greatly appreciated the flexibility. «Even if no machine – Webster stated – is able to accomplish all kinds of label, the Durst Tau is particularly versatile, ensuring cost-effectiveness and high quality on short and medium runs. Its performance has already allowed us to acquire new customers and to attract the attention of operators, first of all paint manufacturers, who love it outright. One point for all: UV ink on printed labels form a light surface structure, similar to  screenprinting, that users really appreciate».
Label Makers also decided on this investment also for the ability of this machine to print on a wide range of different media, from paper to vinyl going by way of transparent film, foil and aluminium. Thanks to its versatility Durst Tau 330 is therefore ideal for short and medium-sized runs for labels for the cosmetic and personal care sectors; it has also opened new application possibilities, difficult or uneconomic to achieve with other types of technology.
Full service. Fundamental – the Label Makers manager ends up by saying – the repercussions at the level of customer service: «Quality is the main factor of our success, and color management constitutes a fundamental element. But these are not the only reasons why we chose this machine. With the Tau 330 we can also propose our services to the market as a “one stop shop” capable of satisfying all needs in terms of labeling. Even the most “extreme”: Some customers only ask us for proofs and not the final print; with Durst’s machine we can also do just that».