Up-to-date incision techniques, process automation and control, direct laser incision on copper… ICR enhances its rotogravure printer services and technologies and relaunches in flexo and digital printing.

The preeminence of rotogravure, including for printing flexible packaging, is largely due to the process quality it makes possible and optimized management that translate into easy operating, quality matrices, repeatability of results, bright colors and versatile adhesives application.
In this context, the print matrix plays a decisive role, as clearly shown by the technology and service development policy of ICR Spa. But the cylinder and corresponding intaglio matrix technology require that the concern constantly update equipment and knowhow, but also its capacity for creating the most suitable solution as needed by the market in any given moment. Indeed, ICR – Incisione Cilindri Rotocalco – guarantees its customers qualified support during all phases, from object design to print solutions and from using new inks and materials to test installations and actively working together in the process in order to achieve the best possible results.

Installations and management Continuously updating the machine and technology pool has proven decisive. Thanks to its Color Management System, for example, ICR is able to offer complete lines for the whole process, starting with print yield, guaranteeing repeatable results over time. Furthermore, the Varese-based company offers a completely automatic production line for rotogravure cylinders, capable of performing all operations, from copper plating to incision to chrome finish, including intermediary controls of cylinder surface and geometry.
But working well isn’t enough, so ICR works with manufacturers of machinery, inks, adhesives and varnishes, with which it shares optimization targets: in incision, but also for the process as a whole and materials consumption. Of particular importance is sharing practices in technical aspects and technology innovation with “colleagues” at the German concern Janoschka, with which ICR has formed a close partnership that also guarantees outstanding production capacity.

New products and investments In order to maintain its commanding position in terms of performance and competitiveness, ICR works to keep its offer at the state of the art, for example by combining copper laser incision with the time-tested inverted halftone CTC incision with laser exposure. But also by expanding its field of operation to other print techniques, such as flexo, for example, where the company is experimenting with new approaches to create high quality matrices capable of overcoming existing technological limitations. Or digital printing, an area in which ICR is active in developing projects for the flexible and decorative packaging markets, to the benefit of customers that require “limitless” service.